General Equipment Rental, Inc. - Logo
(828) 658-2334
Weaverville NC
Honda power equipment

Get the job done with a Honda.

When you need commercial grade equipment, come to General Equipment Rental, your neighborhood servicing dealer of Honda Power Equipment. 

Honda products are developed with the features, quality, and reliability you expect. Whether you are looking for an industrial generator or water pump for your job site, or a commercial lawn mower or trimmer for your landscaping trailer, Honda’s got the power you need to get the job done.

"Why should I buy from General Equipment Rental?"

If you are considering purchasing Honda Outdoor Power Equipment from a big box store, think twice. The two buying experiences could not be more different. 

Big box stores carry everything and the kitchen sink. With so many different products to sell, very few of their sales associates are true product specialists. You won't find a big box sales associate who has the same depth of knowledge about Honda Outdoor power Equipment as we do. At General, you won't need to search for someone to help you. If you have questions or need advice, you will receive the full attention of one of our staff members, who will gladly help you determine which Honda product bests suits your situation.

At big box store, the sales associate you found will probably try to persuade you to buy a "bigger, better" product. At General, we will never sell you more than you need. 

Most important of all, at the big box store, once you pay for your equipment, your relationship with them is over. At General, because we service what we sell, your purchase marks the beginning of our relationship, not the end. Now, you're family!
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